

Roemer J. Janse

Hi and welcome to this R tutorial! This tutorial aims to teach you the basics of R (and RStudio), but also take you further, showing you different alternatives to reach the same goal and learning some useful tricks to quickly become an efficient R user. The general focus is on using R for epidemiologic data analysis, such as how to perform regression analyses and plot results, although it also contains a comprehensive introduction to R.

Throughout the tutorial, there will be example code. Feel free to also write and run this on your own device and play around with changing things up to see what happens.

Additionally, there will be exercises you can make to keep track of your learning progress. Answers to the exercises are available under the ‘Answer’ button. An example is shown below.

This tutorial might feel rather dense and time-consuming as compared to other tutorials but you do not have to do everything at once. Although it is a good idea to do the basics and learn about the tidyverse, other sections might be studied on a need-to-know basis. Additionally, this tutorial will (hopefully) leave you with knowledge about using R, but also hand you the tools to learn more yourself and quickly understand new concepts and functions.


0: Open the answer

# Well done!

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